Ann Arbor Ultimate

WMP Survey and Town Hall + General Town Hall


The Ann Arbor Ultimate leadership group is planning to host two Town Halls in mid-August and we would like to extend an invitation for all to come learn more about how the league works and get some time with leadership to provide feedback and ask questions.

WMP Town Hall

The submissions we receive in this form will be extremely important to Ann Arbor Ultimates future programming in addition to the Town Hall agenda. Please consider filling out the survey (and encouraging others to do so) even if you will be unable to attend.

General Town Hall

If you are planning to attend one (or both!!), please fill out the accompanying form(s) to RSVP. This will help us communicate the agenda and ensure we have food and beverages for all.

Stay tuned for news on Fall League 2024; registration should open in the coming weeks!

Last Updated: July 30th, 2024